The Different Types of Davis Weather Instruments

To predict the weather, conduct studies, make and make assessments, doctors, scientists, meteorologists and other researchers depend heavily on a variety of Davis weather instruments. Without the right instruments, it would be impossible to perform various job functions. No matter where you’re working, you’ll either encounter or use these instruments regularly. That’s why it’s essential for you to be familiar with it.


These instruments are used for different purposes. However, they can all come together when you’re trying to predict the current and upcoming weather of a particular location. Hence the name, weather instruments. However, you can also use them for several different applications, either at home or in the workplace. With that said, here are some of the different types of weather instruments:


Instrument Types


In addition to predicting air temperature and water levels, Davis weather instruments are also used to determine wind speed and direction, humidity, barometric pressure, and much more. Here’s are some of these instruments:



Thermometer – this instrument measures temperature. Depending on the type you have, it can measure the temperature for air, water, and different kinds of substances. To get an accurate reading, make sure that your thermometer isn’t affected by other heat sources.


Hygrometer – this instrument measures the amount of humidity that’s present in the air of a particular location. It comes in both digital and analog platforms. There are also versions that are highly advanced and is mainly for professional use.


Barometer – this instrument measures the air pressure. If you’re trying to measure the air pressure in your area, this weather instrument is the one you should use. Measuring the barometric pressure of a particular location allows experts to predict upcoming storms, wind changes, and general weather trends.


Anemometer – this instrument measures wind speed. If you’re looking to measure the speed of the wind that’s travelling in your area, this instrument will help you obtain the data you’re looking for. There are two types of anemometers. The first one is the cup anemometer, which features moving parts, and the ultrasonic anemometer, which does not have any moving parts.


Wind Vane – this instrument is something that you commonly see in farms and neighbourhoods. It’s used to measure the direction that the wind is going. A wind vane is often paired with an anemometer to collect data on both wind speed and direction.


These Davis weather instruments are all available in your local retail stores. You can also purchase them online. Visit our official website today and shop for the latest models.