When you sustain a sporting injury, seeing your physio as soon as possible is essential. It allows your sports physio Adelaide to formulate an early intervention and management plan to help you return to competition more shortly.


Our physios will assess your movement and performance to identify inefficiencies that may contribute to injuries. We will then use this information to implement strategies to correct these and improve your performance.


Sports specific conditioning

Sports-specific conditioning prepares the body for the mechanical and metabolic demands associated with the athlete’s sport. It can also help athletes improve performance and reduce injury risk. For more information about sports physio Adelaide, check out Yates-Physiotherapy sports physio Adelaide now!


At myPhysioSA, we specialise in helping elite athletes return to their sport following injury. It is why The South Australian Sports Institute, Hockey Australia and North Adelaide Football Club choose us to get their athletes back on track quickly.


Our physios will work with you to ensure you are training correctly and to your full potential while reducing any training inefficiencies that may be causing problems. It will ensure you recover and stay healthy on the field or court. Athletes are often surprised at how much crossover between different sports, especially at the earlier stages of development. For example, basketball and volleyball players sprint, jump and change directions.


Injury assessment

Injury assessment is identifying the nature and severity of an injury. It involves a thorough physical examination and may apply various techniques and modalities.


A physiotherapist can assess your gait, running biomechanics and footwear, muscle strength, mobility and functional movement strategies. They will develop an individualised treatment plan to help you recover from your injury and prevent future ones.


An injury assessment is essential for athletes of all ages and abilities, whether professional athletes, students or recreational enthusiasts. Injuries need immediate evaluation and care to prevent permanent damage. For more information about sports physio Adelaide, check out Yates-Physiotherapy sports physio Adelaide now!


Injury management

Sports injuries are a standard part of any athlete’s life. From weekend warriors to highly trained professionals, they are inevitable, and it’s essential to know how to treat them effectively to avoid further damage, ensure a successful recovery and return to sport at the correct time.


When a sports injury occurs, it’s essential to see a physiotherapist who is knowledgeable and skilled in managing these types of damages. They can provide treatment that includes soft tissue techniques, joint manipulation, acupuncture, dry needling and a tailored exercise program to help reduce inflammation, increase range of motion and restore normal function.


A physiotherapist will be able to educate the athlete on their injury, how it was caused and what can be done to avoid further damage. They will also provide a plan for rehabilitation and training to get them back to the sport at their peak performance level, with reduced risk of re-injury.



Rehabilitation refers to restoring or preventing deterioration in functioning for people with health conditions, illnesses or injuries. It can be a form of healthcare and is provided by a range of health and non-health professionals.


Physiotherapists use several treatment techniques and exercises to help people recover from their health condition, illness or injury. They may include soft tissue therapy, joint mobilisation/manipulation, acupuncture / dry needling and exercise.


It is also essential to include sports-specific conditioning in rehabilitating sporting injuries. It helps to rebuild the body’s physical loads and is necessary for returning to sport at a reduced risk of further injury or poor performance.


Sports physio Adelaide can help athletes of all ages and abilities improve their health, fitness and performance. So whether you are an Olympic athlete, a recreational weekend warrior, or simply looking to get back into a sport after prolonged inactivity, our physios can help you achieve your goals.


Sports Physio Adelaide – The Difference Between Exercise Physiologists and Sports Physiotherapists


Athletes often require extra care to general health and exercise physios as athletes place more load and demands on their bodies and thus need specialist treatment. Our sports physio Adelaide understands this and implements relevant sporting rehabilitation programs to help you return to your pre-injury level of function.


Physiotherapists, Exercise Physiologists and Sports Physiotherapists all have the same goal: To get you back to feeling good and performing at your best as soon as possible! However, there are some subtle differences in the roles they play. For more information about sports physio Adelaide, check out Yates-Physiotherapy sports physio Adelaide now!








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